We hope to help you

Meet our team by watching this VIDEO and get the right information about interesting matters like property law, Spanish taxes and others, explained in following INTERVIEWS with our Spanish lawyers on TV!.



TLA CORP is recognized as one of the largest legal companies in the South East of Spain, counting with English speaking Lawyers and Solicitors of the highest level of qualification and specialization. Our main points of difference:

International focus

98 % of our clients are coming from other countries like USA, Canada, UK, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, etc. Our team speaks English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Russian.

As we are used to working with foreign clients, we pay special attention to how they would be treated when assisted by our colleagues in their countries. We gather information about their laws, their way of life and anticipate on their expectatives when coming to Spain, in order to be able to assist them in the most similar way they would be assisted at home.

We are specialist

We are a group of lawyers, architects and legal advisors, formed by specialized professionals.

During the recent years, we have seen how professionals were playing in the Spanish legal advice sector, without the sufficient capability to deal with the case. Terrible consequences have been created by this behavior in Spain. An English/French speaking Spanish lawyer is not always enough, he must also be SPECIALIST in the matter.

We make considerable efforts to keep up to date on the latest regulations, laws and changes affecting our practice, guarantying our clients complete efficiency in our service.

We are independent

Legal practice is unsustainable if lawyers are not independent and are tied or influenced by other parties. We do not know and do not accept any other way to represent our clients, in order to best defend their interests.

We are reputed lawyers and architects

Our team follows the highest standards of legal excellence and service. We are widely respected by many agents in our sector for being responsible, efficient, and easy to work with. We use our experience and insight to help our clients anticipating, solving problems, preparing for and managing adverse situations and conflicts.

We are members and recommended lawyers from very important national and international institutions like Chambers of Commerce, College of Lawyers and Architects, Embassies and Consulates, Agencies, Public and Private Organizations, Non Profit Organizations, etc. .

We have Membership registered at the Law Society of England and Wales at the Communities Section, where we receive updated information about Property Law at the UK market.

We are a "TEAM"

Our company stands for TEAMWORK, FLEXIBILITY, EXPERTISE and DEVOTION to our clients, throughout the whole process and even after!

We comunicate

Your problem is our problem. Our clients find in our team something essential and difficult to find in this sector. It’s called empathy. We try to put ourselves in your position. Feeling what you are feeling, worrying for what you are worried, and providing what you are expecting.


Call us now! We look forward to assisting you.