How to build a house in rustic land in Spain – Non urbanizable land
General aspects
TLA lawyers have been for more than 15 years dealing with transactions and cases of properties in rustic land areas in all the Spanish territory. From Catalonia (Tarragona and Barcelona), Valencia Region (Castellón, Valencia and Alicante – Costa Blanca), Murcia, Almeria (Almanzora Valley), and Malaga.
As result of our wide experience, and the acknowledege of different regional normatives, we have prepared a guide to follow for those who have the intention to buy a plot/land in rustic-countryside areas of Spain, with the project to build a house on it.
If you are buying land or a property in the countrise, such as a farmhouse (cortijo), it is essential to find out if it is placed in an area where urbanization is allowed (in this case it is called a “finca urbana”, or “suelo urbano” ) or where urbanization and residential developments are not allowed (“finca rustica” or “suelo rustico”).
Land in Spain is classified in several types:
1. Uban land – “Suelo urbano“
This is a land in which it is authorized to build with derterminate specificactions contained in the “Development Plans” of the city, or area (Plan General de Ordenación Urbana PGOU), or in specific zones of urbanization called “Partial Plans” (Planes Parciales) etc.
This land uses to have all the facilities and requirements to live there in high density of population, like the proper water and electricity supplies , connection to mains sewage system, parks and green areas, sports, educational, hospitals, etc.
Urban Land or “Suelo Urbano” is the one that we use to find in cities, villages, or urbanizations, and used to have the proper access by roads, with pavement, pedestrian areas, streets, commercial areas, health centres, schools, hospitals, sports, etc.
2. Non Urbanizable land – ” Suelo no Urbanizable”
“No Urbanizable” is a type of land where it is not possible to develop any industrial, residential or commercial land, because is destinated to determinate protected uses, mainly connected to the forest, agriculture, and others. So, in these type of land, other uses as residential, industrial or commercial are very limited, restristed, and not always allowed.
Inside the “Non Urbanizable” land, we find a classification in sub-types of land, depending on the use allowed, and the level of protection:
- Protected land (in Spanish “Suelo No Urbanizable Protegido”): This is land where, for determinate reasons (usually connected to nature, forest, etc), constructions, and other type of activities are limited in order to “protect” a determinate value.
- Non protected land (in Spanish “Suelo No Urbanizable Comun”): This is a land where the main use is agricultural and farming, and where other uses (as residential, commercial, etc. ) might be allowed, respecting determinate conditions.
“Rustic land” is the name that usually is adopted to the Suelo No Urbanizable Comun in Spain. In other words: areas where urbanizations cannot be developed, which is being destined to agricultural use, it is allowed other uses as construction of residential properties, or industries, etc, always respecting determinate normative and conditions.
3.- Urbanizable land – “Suelo Urbanizable” :
This is the type of land where it can be developed in the future with urbanizations, commercial areas, industrial parks, etc. in the future. So, in case a public or private construction project is approved, then the area can be urbanized.
Steps to follow for building a residential house in rustic land
Talking now about “rustic land”, this is a land where the main use allowed is to “agricultural”, or to be used by farmers to develop an agricultural activity.
But, in this land, excepcionally, it is authorized to build new constructions with residential use. These constructions must be in a very low density of construction, trying to avoid to create high density constructed areas which could create “urbanizations in facto”.
So, is very common to find that only when the land has a minimum size (5.000 m2, 10.000 m2, or 20.000 m2 etc.), you are authorized to build there a construction, also called “cortijo”, “villa”, “masía”, chalé”, “chalet”, “hacienda”, etc.
In the Spanish rural or countryside areas is quite common to find houses built over plots with smaller sizes than the one required to have building rights (houses built in plots with less than 10.000 m2 for example) This is because these buildings were built before the new regulations entered in to force, or, simply, that they were built without respecting the laws, so, they are considered now as constructions “Fuera de Ordenación” (out of current normative). This is the case of properties built long time ago, which now do not fulfill the current normative. These kind of properties can be perfectly legal now, but subjected with some restrictions of use (the most important is that the house ante the rest of existing constructions on the property are respected by the administration, but they cannot be extended, and it is not authorized to build new constructions on that plot).
So, if your intention is to develop a project for building a hous in “rustic land” areas, you should first check in the legal authority (mainly the Town Hall , Council = “Ayuntamiento”), which are the specifications, requirements, and limitations, that you can have to build there.