Last update 12/09/2023.
We believe that the privacy of our customers and users must be paramount. For this reason we apply a transparency policy to all our processes so that users are always informed and have control over their privacy.
Please read carefully each of these terms that regulate access and use, and in general, the relationship between this website and its users.
Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
In compliance with Chapter II of Law 34/2002, LSSICE, of art. 13.1a of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and current regulations on personal data protection, we inform you that this website is owned by TLA CORP SLP. (hereinafter TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS):
CIF: B54029426
Regulatory framework
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS guarantees the respect of the guarantees, rules and procedures provided in the Legal Order to protect the rights to personal and family privacy and the protection of personal data.
Delegate of Data Protection
In accordance with the RGPD (Article 37.1), TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS, having taken into account the nature, scope and purposes of the treatment, as well as the risk associated with the operations of treatment and previous internal analysis has reached the conclusion that you have no legal obligation to appoint a data protection delegate.
However, in order to guarantee and demonstrate that the treatment is carried out under the provisions of the RGPD, protocols and accountability tools have been established, such as impact evaluations, quarterly reviews, annual audits, etc. It also has a team in charge of ensuring compliance with the regulations on personal data protection, as well as informing and advising those interested and cooperating with the supervisory authority.
What data are we going to request?
The collection and use of data is essential to offer our services. However, you should know that we are only going to request that information that is strictly adequate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary to offer you the services described below.
These are the data that we can request:
- Contact details: name, postal address, telephone number, email, ID, ID or identification document, signature.
- Financial and transaction data: credit card number, bank account number.
- Technology data: time spent on the web, pages visited, language preference, IP address, type of device, operating system, browser type, screen resolution.
The browsing on this website by minors requires that they have previously obtained authorization from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered as legal responsible for any acts carried out by the minors under their care.
The legal representatives of minors are fully responsible for access to content and internet services by these minors. For this they have computer programs and blocking and filtering tools in access to contents or web sites not suitable for minors.
How we obtain your data
You can provide us with personal information through the following channels:
- When accessing our website.
- When you use our contact form.
- When you contact us through email.
- When you hire one of our services.
- When interacting through the website allowing the use of cookies.
- Answer your questions.
- Carry out the service you have entrusted to us.
- Process payments.
- Make statistics.
- Improve your experience as a web user.
- Maintain website security by monitoring malicious activities and detecting fraud.
- Send you information about products and / or services of your interest.
- Update our records.
- Verify your identity for regulatory compliance purposes.
Our commitment is to provide you with relevant Legal and Tax information about Spain. You can choose not to receive our electronic communications, you can request it by sending an email to with the following subject “I do not wish to receive commercial communications”.
How long will we keep your data?
The personal data that you provide us will be kept for the time necessary for the purposes of treatment for which they have been collected and while you are not requesting their removal. Specifically, the terms established in relation to the purpose are the following:
- Respond to your queries: the data will be kept during the processing of the response.
- Carry out a commissioned service: the data will be kept while the service is being managed.
- Process payments: the data will be kept as long as the processing of payments is necessary.
- Make statistics: the data will be kept indefinitely as long as the interested party does not request its deletion.
- Improve the user experience of the web: these data will be kept for the term established for each cookie.
- Maintain the security of the web: these data will remain in the system indefinitely as long as the interested party does not request their deletion.
- Send information: these will remain in the system indefinitely as long as the interested party does not request their deletion.
- Update our records: these data will remain in the system indefinitely as long as the interested party does not request their deletion.
- Verify your identity for regulatory compliance purposes: these data will be kept in the system indefinitely so long as the interested party does not request their deletion.
We may keep your personal information even after completing this need if necessary to comply with any legal obligation, the data would remain blocked for the time necessary to meet the period set by the Law to proceed with its elimination.
What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?
- The legal basis for the treatment of your data is based on Article 6.1b of the RGPD when we manage the service you have entrusted to us, that is, when the data processing is necessary for the execution of a contract.
- The legal basis for the treatment of your data is based on obtaining your consent, in accordance with article 6.1a of the RGPD for the rest of the purposes.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS will formalize, in each case, the confidentiality and treatment contract that are necessary to perform the service you have entrusted to us.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS verifies that all those in charge of treatment with which they work comply with their security policies and the technical measures imposed by the regulations and follow their instructions in the provision and correct development of the services for which they are contracted.
Specifically, the external services that may have access to your data under the conditions set out above are the following:
- Labor, tax or accounting advisory service.
- Courier services.
- Computer maintenance service.
- Hosting service.
- Software technical support service.
- Web maintenance service.
- Advisory service for the protection of personal data.
It is possible that some of these services are located in a country outside the European Union, in which case you will only have access to your data when it is included in the list of countries with an adequate level of protection of personal data.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS will not rent or sell personal information or share your personal information with any advertiser or advertising ad networks without your explicit permission.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS will provide information to third parties when required by law, subpoena or judicial procedure. However, in the case of being transferred, information prior to delivery would be produced.
Data Security
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS applies the appropriate technical and organizational measures to provide a level of security appropriate to the risk, guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS encodes the session by means of a digital certificate that allows to demonstrate the identity of the website to browsers and guarantees that the information sent by the page can not be intercepted and used by third parties.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS is concerned about the safety of the users of its website and for that it keeps the software up to date, applies a firewall that is in charge of detecting and mitigating threats and makes backups to guarantee the integrity, availability and permanent resilience of treatment systems and services.
Navigation Tips
Verify that the server you are connecting to is located in the correct domain, even when links stored in favorites are used.
Do not use web addresses (URL) or links received by electronic messaging (mail, SMS, etc.) in which you request to perform some management with your personal data.
Directly type the addresses of the websites you want to connect to.
What rights do you have regarding the data you provide us?
You have the right to know if TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS is dealing with personal data that concerns you, or not.
Likewise, the interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request the deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.
In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for exercise or the defense of claims.
In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.
You have the right to request the portability of your data, as well as to withdraw consent for your treatment at any time.
You can exercise your rights by contacting TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS, through the aforementioned contact data, indicating as subject “LOPD, Rights” and attaching a photocopy of your National Identity Document or any other means valid in law.
You have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
What obligations do you have regarding the information you provide us?
You agree to guarantee the accuracy of the information you provide us and you agree to communicate any changes that may occur to them.
The sending of personal data is mandatory to contact and receive information about the products and services of TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS.
Failure to provide the requested personal data or not accepting this data protection policy means that it is impossible to subscribe, register, receive information about the products and services of the website or manage the service you have entrusted to us.
As a user, you agree that the information provided to TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS about third parties has been collected in accordance with current regulations and having obtained the consent of the owner of the data.
As a user of this website you agree to use the website, services, contents and this legal notice in accordance with the law, morals, good customs and public order.
You agree not to carry out advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation activities through the web, or use the contents and, in particular, the information obtained through the Portal to send advertising, send messages for direct sales or with any another commercial purpose, nor to collect or store personal data of third parties.
This website may contain links to websites of third parties, whose privacy policies are alien to TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS, when accessing such websites you must decide if you accept their privacy and cookies policies.
This LEGAL NOTICE will be updated periodically, so that the conditions that are current and published at the time of use of the website or services will be applicable. Please read this information carefully before proceeding with its use, as well as periodically, in order to be fully informed.
If you have any questions regarding this Legal Notice, you can contact us at the following email:
You declare to have been informed of the conditions
Intellectual and Industrial Property
All the elements that make up the website, as well as the structure, design, source code, as well as the logos, brands and other distinctive signs that appear on it, are the property of TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS or its collaborators and are protected for the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
Likewise, the images and other graphic elements contained are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS expressly prohibits the realization of “framings” or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of our portals.
The use of the contents must respect their particular licensing. Therefore, its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is totally forbidden unless prior and express authorization from TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS.
Regarding the quotations of products or services of third parties, TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS recognizes the rights of industrial or intellectual property in favor of its owners, not implying their mere mention or appearance on the Web the existence of rights or any responsibility on the same, as neither support, sponsorship or recommendation.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS does not guarantee the absence of errors in the access to the Web, in its content, nor that it is updated, although it undertakes to make the greatest efforts to, where appropriate, avoid, correct or update them.
Both the access to the Web of TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who carries it out.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or for possible damages that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), the files or documents stored in it, as a consequence of the presence of viruses in the user’s computer used to connect to the services and contents of the Web, of a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions thereof.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS is not responsible for the information and content stored, by way of example, but not limited to forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently in this Web.
However, in compliance with the provisions of the LSSI, TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS is made available to all users, authorities and security forces, actively collaborating in the withdrawal or blocking of any content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, rights of third parties or morality and public order. In case you consider that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please contact TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS.
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS is not responsible for the answers that are made through the different email addresses that appear on its website, so that in no case can legally binding effect be derived from them.
The website of TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS and its domains use cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) for the proper functioning and visualization of the websites by the user, as well as the collection of statistics.
Use of Cookies
TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS, or on behalf of this, a third party contracted to provide audience measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses the sites and pages of the website.
The web servers of TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. All this information is recorded in a server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of page impressions, with the number of visits made to web services, etc.
Additionally, TAX, LAWYERS & ARCHITECTS has presence in portals and third-party services for which, if you wish to know the conditions of privacy and use of cookies, you should consult the policies provided by them:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Youtube:
- Linkedin:
- Google+: