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Modelo 210 IRNR

Information about the service

  • Load of tax and personal documents
  • 5 years online safeguard storage documents
  • Tax study of the case
  • Elaboration of tax declaration
  • Presentation of the tax declaration
  • 20 minutes telephone/call/videocall with our team.

BASIC – Model 210 IRNR

Product price: 180,00 
Total options:
Order total:
Online process
Online payment
Online presentation model
5 online safeguard Property and tax documents
Verification of property and personal documents
English and French assistance
German, Netherlands, Norwegian assistance OK
Agent’s assistance 20 m Call-Videocall Agent’s assistance 40 m Call-Videoc
Filling of personal, property and tax information Manually user filling of tax questionnaire Tax questionnaire completed by our team
Tax planification NOT COVERED **Tax consultation with our professionals required NOT COVERED **Tax consultation with our professionals required


As you may see in the above products’ description, the main differences from Basic to Advanced Tax services are:

  • 20 / 40 minutes Call – Videocall assistance



 In order to complete the presentation of the Tax 210 Model, it is necessary to complete a Questionnaire with detailed information from each of the property owners (Name, Surname, address, etc), and from each one of the properties subject of the tax.

  • With the Basic Service is the user who completes this questionnaire and provide this information to us. The information contained in the questionnaire will be checked and verified by our team, but the questionnaire needs to be filled manually by the user.

It implies to obtain the Cadastral Value of the property, the Cadastral reference, and other information related to the tax service.

  • With the Advanced Service you do not need to complete the questionnaire, or you do not need to fill it with all the information demanded, and our Team will do it for you.


  • Basic service is offered in English and French
  • Advanced service will be offered also in German, Netherlands, and Norwegian