Indicate your address of residence/Indiquez votre adresse de résidence/Geben Sie Ihre Wohnadresse an/Geef uw woonadres op
Indicate your city of residence/Indiquez votre ville de résidence/Geben Sie Ihren Wohnort an/Geef uw woonplaats aan
Indicate your Region or Province of residence/Indiquez votre région ou province de résidence/Geben Sie Ihre Region oder Provinz an/Geef uw regio of provincie van verblijf aan
Indicate your country of residence/Indiquez votre pays de résidence/Geben Sie Ihr Wohnsitzland an/Geef uw land van verblijf aan
Indicate your Postal Code of your residence/Indiquez votre Code Postal de votre résidence/Geben Sie die Postleitzahl Ihres Wohnsitzes an/Geef de postcode van uw woonplaats op/
Indicate your country of nationality/ Indiquez votre pays de nationalité/ Geben Sie Ihr Staatsangehörigkeitsland an/ Geef uw land van nationaliteit aan
* We need this information to obtain NIE number and proof of Identity
* We need this information to obtain NIE number and proof of Identity

Public functions from you or from any of the owners/shareholders or the company

* Important public functions: a) ABROAD: Heads of State, Heads of Government, Ministers, Secretaries of State or Under-Secretaries; Parliamentarians; Magistrates of supreme courts, constitutional courts or other high courts, Ministry of the Revenue; Court of Auditors or Central Bank Boards; The ambassadors; senior military personnel of the armed forces; and members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of public companies. (b) SPAIN: national parliamentarians and the European Parliament; judges of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court, including equivalent members of the prosecution service; the advisers of the Court of Auditors and the Bank of Spain; ambassadors and entrepreneurs; the high military personnel of the armed forces; and the directors, deputy directors and members of the board of directors, or equivalent function, of an international organization, including the European Union. (c) IN THE SPANISH REGIONS: as presidents and councilors and other members of the councils of government, as well as senior officials and autonomous deputies, and, in the local Spanish, mayors, councilors and other senior officials of the municipalities of the provincial or capital capital of the Autonomous Community of Local Authorities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, or management positions in trade union or trade organizations or Spanish political parties.
STAFF DATA PROCESSING POLICY For the purposes of the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) We inform the CLIENT of the following: 1. Your personal data will be treated with the necessary confidentiality and will be protected by the security measures required by Royal Decree 1720/2007, which approves the regulation for the preparation of the Organic Law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data. personal character. 2. Your personal data will be included in the Prevention of Money Laundering file on which TLACORP S.L.U. In order to respect the relationship arising from this document, to manage the relationship economically, administratively and commercially and to keep you abreast of products and services similar to those currently available and of interest to you, we generally offer our clients the clients However, we remind you that you have your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your data that can be exercised in a legally established way in our home (TLACORP Avda Las Naciones, 11 -A, Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, Alicante