Aragon – Tourist Rent

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Table of Contents


In Aragon, dwellings for tourist purposes are called dwellings for tourist use.

In addition to its regulation, this section deals with the procedure for starting the activity.

These are those properties subject to the horizontal property regime, detached single-family homes or others belonging to private real estate complexes that are temporarily transferred by their owners, directly or indirectly, to third parties for their tourist accommodation, furnished and equipped in conditions of immediate use, marketed or promoted in tourist supply channels and for profit.

Homes for tourist use must be transferred in their entirety and the transfer for rooms will not be allowed.

It is presumed that the transfer of use of a dwelling is subject to the Regulation when its promotion or commercialization is carried out through tourist supply channels, or when it is transferred for a period equal to or less than one month per user.

Tourism supply channels include  travel agencies, reservation centres, other companies involved in the mediation and organisation of tourist services, including virtual intermediation channels, as well as the insertion of advertising in social media spaces related to travel and stays in places other than those of the tourists’ usual environment.

Maximum capacity

The  maximum accommodation capacity of these homes is as follows:

– 1 person for each room > 6 m2;

– 2 people per room > 10 m2;

– 3 people per room > 14 m2.

The studios will have a maximum capacity of two places.

No rooms

Rooms will be considered both the bedrooms and the living-dining room of homes for tourist use.

The transfer must be made of the entire home, the transfer by rooms is prohibited.


The following are excluded from the subjection to the regime of dwellings for tourist use:

Rural houses and blocks or groups of flats, houses, villas, chalets or similar that offer, in a professional and regular manner, for a price, tourist accommodation, which will be governed by the provisions of their specific regulations;

Complexes made up of two or more dwellings belonging to the same owner or operated by the same manager that are located in the same property, which must comply with the provisions of the regulations governing tourist apartments; and

– Leases of urban properties contemplated in the LAU.