Asturias – Tourist Rent

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Within the tourist activity, two types of housing are regulated in  Asturias: holiday homes and those for tourist use.

Holiday houses

Holiday homes are those in which only the accommodation service is provided  for a price, on a regular and professional basis for a holiday destination, without being classified as hotel establishments, tourist apartments, rural tourism accommodation or tourist hostels.

Accommodation in this type of housing must be complete,  not by rooms. The capacity of the dwellings must be a maximum of 14 beds, and may be distributed in a maximum of 7 rooms.

Holiday homes must have the following minimum facilities and equipment 

– Supply of hot and cold drinking water;

– Guaranteed 24-hour electricity supply;

– Effective sewage disposal system;

-Garbage collection service authorized by the City Council;


– First aid kit;

– One fire extinguisher per plant;

– Telephone for customer use;

– Signposted access, the access road to the house must be practicable for all types of cars to the immediate surroundings of the house.

The characteristics of the rooms are also regulated  (D Asturias 48/2016 art.6 s.):

– bedrooms: minimum area of 10 m2 for doubles, and 6 m2 for singles;

– the toilets must have sufficient ventilation, direct or induced, and must be equipped with a washbasin, bathtub or at least a shower tray, toilet, mirror, electrical socket, towel rail and shelf for toiletries;

– the room may in no case be less than 8 m2;

– the kitchen must always have direct ventilation.

In addition, all holiday homes must display a standardised plaque next to the main entrance stating the symbol assigned to them by the Administration.

Tourist housing

Dwellings for tourist use are those independent dwellings located in a multi-storey building subject to a horizontal property regime  that are temporarily transferred by their owner or person with a qualifying title, directly or indirectly, to third parties for tourist or holiday use and in which only the accommodation service is provided for a price.  on a regular basis.

These homes must be promoted in tourist supply channels. And they can be hired in their entirety or by rooms, without the need for the owner of the property to reside in it.


They must comply with the following:

– Have a certificate of occupancy;

– Be sufficiently furnished and equipped with appliances and appliances for immediate occupation;

– Have a  permanent and adequate supply of domestic hot and cold water, as well as electricity and heating;

– Have a fire extinguisher and emergency lighting;

– Rooms must have  direct ventilation to the outside or to uncovered patios;

– It must have some system of darkening the windows;

– There must be a number of toilets proportional to the number of users accommodated (at least one toilet for every 6 places);

– The dwellings must comply with the requirements of the regulations governing the technical and quality conditions required of the dwellings and in particular the conditions of habitability and safety of the dwellings;

– Must display a standard plaque next to the main entrance, with the pictogram “VUT”.

Obligations of the owner

 Holiday homes and those for tourist use must comply with a series of common rules for both types:

  • The advertising obligations must include the symbol that the tourist administration has assigned to the property.
  • The operator of the holiday or tourist home, whether a natural or legal person, must have civil liability insurance that covers damages and injuries suffered by customers, with a minimum amount of coverage.
  • It must be proven that the use of the holiday home or for tourist use is not prohibited:

– by the urban planning of the area where it is located; or

– by the statutes of the community of owners duly registered in the Land Registry for those buildings subject to the horizontal property regime.

Procedure for starting the activity

The owners or operating companies of holiday homes as well as those for tourist use must meet the following requirements:

  • Submit the responsible declaration to the competent tourism administration, which enables the start of the activity at the same time as it is presented. It must contain the following information:

– Name and surnames of the owner or company name and, where applicable, of the representative, or of the person in charge or manager;

– NIF or CIF of the applicant and the representative, if any, or, in the case of foreign persons, another official document accrediting their identity;

– Trade name under which the activity is to be carried out;

– Date of commencement of the activity as a tourist accommodation company;

– Type of company in question;

– Address of the company and establishment, telephone, fax, website, e-mail;

– Details of the holiday home and its maximum capacity;

– List of rooms, if it is a dwelling for tourist use, and its maximum capacity;

– Telephone number to immediately attend to communications related to the activity of the home;

– Identification of the housing assistance and maintenance company, if any;

– If the dwelling is located in a building subject to the horizontal property regime, a declaration that the statutes of the community of owners do not prohibit such use or, if such a prohibition exists, a declaration of the existence of express written authorisation from the same.

  • The declaration of responsibility must be accompanied by the following documentation:

– Documentation accrediting the legal personality of the owner of the property;

– Copy of the title that proves the availability of the home;

– Municipal licence for first occupation, as well as opening licence for the development of the activity of holiday housing, or housing for tourist use, which may be required by each municipality;

– Interior floor distribution plans indicating the purpose and surface area of each room;

– List of rooms, indicating surface area, capacity in places, and services provided;

– Copy of the operating civil liability insurance policy taken out and the receipt accrediting payment;

– if there is a manager, the owner’s sufficient authorisation or title to manage the property;

– In relation to dwellings for tourist use: in the event of a prohibition in the statutes of the community of owners, express written authorisation from the community to carry out the activity.

  • Once the declaration of responsibility has been submitted, the company must be registered in the Register of Tourist Companies and Activities of the Principality of Asturias, communicating to the company the corresponding symbol that will identify the property.